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Cardzone Instalment - Cardzone
Payment Plan Management Product

Cardzone Instalment

Cardzone PPM allows bank to offer instalment program to their customers.

Cardzone PPM is designed to offer multiple instalment programs based on customer needs :

  • MIP – Merchant Instalment Plan is an instalment plan that is offered on the Merchant EDC. When a cardholder makes a purchase at a MIP-enable EDC at the merchant premise, cardholder is given the choice to convert his purchase to an instalment plan at the point of sale.
  • FPP – Flexi Payment Plan is an arrangement between the cardholder and the bank only. The cardholder can call up the bank and request certain or all of his outstanding balance to be converted to an instalment plan.
  • BTF – Balance Transfer is a feature where the bank can offer lower interest rates during the instalment period to attract cardholders from other banks to transfer their balances to our bank.

Instalment plan is a proven instrument to lock in future revenue as well as retaining existing customers